Happy New Year, my ladies and gents!
It’s the New Year and I know a lot of us are thinking about new beginnings whether it be on the fitness, mental, spiritual or life :). Making a big change in our lives is always nerve wrecking and we’re never sure if it’s the right thing or the right time. How can one even decide when the right time is to bring another human being into this world? Now that is a loaded question and only YOU know the right time. You and your partner should’ve probably already talking about this for a while now and you know this year might just be the right year for it! Some quick tips before I start on how to plan on getting pregnant:
What are the things to consider before getting pregnant?
- Being married for certain number of years does not determine your readiness for baby. This is a collaborative exercise and you and your partner need to feel ready emotionally, physically and yes financially.
- Do not listen to what others have to say, esp. my Desi Community people. First comes: “when are you getting married?”, then “when’s the baby you’ve been married for almost a year now” and next when’s the second baby. Does it ever end? Listen to YOURSELF.
- You will get anxious by the thought of it but think one little step at a time. You don’t have to think about birthing (trust me, this isn’t even the hardest part, oops) or sending them to college just yet. Again, listen to yourself and find out what the anxiety is about. Talk to your partner and talk to yourself on preparing yourself for this.
Just how do you plan, where do you start (besides the obvious), what are some pregnancy checklists? Let’s get started, shall we?
Health: assuming that you have made a decision on getting pregnant this year; the first and foremost thing to ensure is that you are healthy to have a baby. You may have heard; healthy mom equals healthy baby (considering everything goes well). Here are things to do:
A. Health is the number one priority for you when you plan to have a baby. Find a gynecologist and set up an appointment to get a physical, view your iron levels, any other blood work, etc. Your partners should also get a physical done along with blood work to get all the bases cleared. Now, I’m not a doctor so please use discretion when following any advice on this blog post. Take the right prenatal vitamins that works for you. I personally took the NatureMade. I also have heard great things about Rainbow. Take prenatal at least 3 months in advance of trying.
B. Physical health and fitness go hand in hand. No, you do not have to be an athlete or someone with a six-pack.. However, it is highly advisable to be physically active whether you do yoga, walk/run everyday for 30-45 min, or do other sports. Being involved in physical activities before and throughout the pregnancy will help you stay fit and also happy. It releases a chemical known as endorphins and it triggers positive feeling in the body. You want to stay positive throughout your pregnancy as they say the baby senses everything from the momma (no pressure) 🙂 However, if you are trying to lose weight, I highly encourage you to do so before trying because you can end up putting on a lot of weight during pregnancy and also after and the cycle will continue. Being in your best shape before pregnancy will help you get back into shape quicker too, just my experience. See my “What to eat and types of workout during pregnancy” post (coming soon).
C. Mental health plays a big part in the whole process. Keeping yourself calm (yet being yourself), composed and aware of your feelings will help you throughout the pregnancy journey (just life in general too!). I highly recommend doing at least a 10 min meditation (guided or self) to connect with yourself and your emotions. I personally used Headspace. Going back to staying positive meditation will definitely help you with that effort. You’ll thank me later 🙂
D. Financial planning is one of those topics that I know is really important but I am no expert on it. It should be understood that with an addition to your family your expenses are also going to increase. You should also think about whether you want to wait. It also depends on where and how you decide to spend your money towards your little one. For example, decorating baby room with the most high-end furnitures and carpets, etc. If you can afford it, great, if not, then don’t go crazy! Babies literally do not care about what’s in their surrounding and the older they grow the messier everything will get 🙂 So be wise and spend wisely.
Last but not the least, download an app that will help you keep track of your ovulation cycle. As crazy as it sounds, you will need to monitor the days that have ‘higher chances’ at you being pregnant and schedule your sessions with your partner accordingly! I used the Glow Cycle & Fertility Tracker and we followed it religiously. However, some people feel that it takes the excitement out of the whole thing and puts pressure on people. Do whatever works for you.
I’m sure there are a million other considerations you can search on the web. Just like with marriage, you will know when you’re ready to have a baby. I cannot emphasize this enough: use your judgment with the things you read on the internet. Not everything that is found on the web is true or even applies to you and your life. And remember, don’t be a hypochondriac!
Happy beginnings to those who are trying this year!
XO, Naya